The Stormwatcher

Name - b=RAND(on)
Age - 20 going 21


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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Guess blogging nowadays has already lost its charm hasn't it?

Alot of people asked me why i take off today, and i just replied, "Cos i 'song', wad..." Yeah right as if i'm feeling very 'song'.. Today's my dad first year death anniversary, at least on the lunar calendar. The 'english' calendar states that it is the day after my stanchart marathon, which pretty much sums up why i train for the race so eagerly, run until my knees are quite sore like an old man... At 8th Dec i wanna show that i've gotten that 42.195km finisher shirt, i swear..

1 year has passed, and i guess its time to wake up from the slumbering mode i've held on for so long.. With the january batch of recruits ord-ing already, the time has come to think about the future, which i tried so many times throughout the whole of this year but failed miserably lol... So i think starting off with setting priorities should be a good choice, bah? u know, stuffs like finding jobs after uni, the choice of uni and its courses, whether to get a degree and some 'major, minor or wad?', and so on... That should be all bah, i guess some other stuffs can come after i've sort out the messiness in life right now; i dont wanna drag anyone down with me really..

Then again, my priority now is,

find a doctor for my desktop! Someone help!!!

//Brandon struck at 3:24 PM\\

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The most memorable thing for this week was the slight glimpse of happiness i realised in myself, when my whole platoon was told that they might be confined at friday night for a simple mistake.. Unbelievable, being happy and relieved even though i'm unable to book out on friday night? Not adding all the nonsense that happened on friday itself, recent events just seemed to turn an otherwise normal situation upside down, totally... For a moment i was wondering, wtf is a place called 'home' anyway? I mean, there is a reason why i have a HDB unit in 1 of the flats in potong pasir which i called it 'home', not 'coffee shop' or 'mini-mart', and i've lost that reason for the pat 1 week or so..

ALRITES now i have found it, but thinking back that period of time it really was quite thought-invoking... Man its troublesome to say why i've lost it, rather what i was thinking is just what is 'home' in the first place?

A place to eat shit sleep and play comp?
A place for you just to sleep?
Or what?

For the first time in my life i was forced to challenge my answers to the question above.. It was weird and frustrating 'cos i, unfortunately, took alot of things for granted but really never anything about my family and my 'home'.. For awhile deep in my negative thoughts i really thought being in ARMY CAMP is so much better than my 'HOME' !! But thankfully, i am conscious enough to separate logic and negative thoughts.. Up til now i couldnt be sure what are my answers; i'm not even certain whether i HAD one in the first place....

So whats yours?

cheesshh i was so shagged after spending a night at qt house, like finally he's back from wallaby... Gotta go sleep, they say enough sleep makes one look younger by 20 years... OMG i'll look like an infant lol...

//Brandon struck at 12:12 PM\\

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Friday off, sunday guard -_- lucky manu vs arsenal is at 7+, so can at least watch before booking in.. But no psp mp3 or even books for guard duty?! omg man zzzzzz.....

Sigh but what a week, suffering from on-off kind of flu, u know those kind that wanna come out but decided against it every hour for 4 days... Lol almost died-ed from the soc rts at tues and thurs mornings, i wondered how did i manage to come home and blog after all hahah... Very very bad timing to fall sick, can feel the stamina dropping ahead of the dreadful stanchart 42km run... ARGH MANNNNN WHY DID I SIGN UP IN THE FIRST PLACE?! its like i'm no good runner in the beginning.. But perhaps i guess this is some sort of a challenge to gauge how much i've grown for the past year, which reminded me about birthdays... Geez the time has come for the last 19 year ol' kid left in my platoon.. Then again, i somehow have a phobia about birthdays; it just dont feel right, or rather i just cant get into the correct mood for birthday parties...

1) Sorry TW, about my attendance during your 21st bdae bash
2) Sorry Jeremy, for not attending your 21st bdae bash
3) Sorry to all my family members, for not celebrating your birthdays
4) Sorry cousin jieying, about my mood during your 21st bdae bash
5) Sorry, especially to all my buddies and friends whom i did not remember your bdaes

Some things are just too hard to overcome, arent it? Which i concluded this year i wont be doing anything when the day comes... It'll just be another normal day....

If somehow i can cross the finishing line for the 42km, it'll be my GREATEST achievement yet, even better than getting 9 points for o'level o.O ok coupled with not-too-fantastic results in psle and a's, and of course alot of other studies-unrelated stuffs... Hmmm no choice but to keep myself healthy and run more for the last 1 month before the actual day.. Man times flies from the minute i registered for this marathon, it's already 3 months gone... 3 months of exercises with the concluding one at thailand cresendo, lots of shit stuffs in army camps, this 3 months spent were really pure army... So pure i had disconnected from so many things: buddies, family, my gundams, and just pure enjoying myself doing things i really like...

i guess its time soon for another "observer's post", must wait til i sort out my thoughts before putting in a meaningful one, instead of just rantings in here...

//Brandon struck at 10:04 PM\\

Sunday, November 02, 2008

ok finally i'm sick O.o

after watching my platoon mates rotating around the sore-thoarts and the runny-noses and the coughing-like-an-old-man among themselves, i FINALLY caught it =_= sigh seems lyk my dear ol' comp has an affinity with me; we both fell sick together *lol* but thankfully i managed to solve quite a few of them... n how the heck i got this crippling neck pain? not as if i had acct this week, and this is alot much worse than the one i had, acct and icct combined zzz... to sum up the bad day i got this big bad bruise up on my shoulders from the massage i had for fixing up my neck ARGH HELP ME MAN....

but actually dont need my platoon mates i can also feel it coming... cant help that i seemed to forgot how to sleep again for the umpteen times.. sometimes i dont know why but be it afternoon nap or a night rest is always interupted with an untimely nightmare: my past...

//Brandon struck at 1:20 AM\\