Monday, December 29, 2008
from this...

to this

1 down 2 to go
//Brandon struck at
11:31 PM\\
Sunday, December 28, 2008
i guess i'm alot better than i expected during the start of the year when this day arrived... Yeah like finally i'm 20 years old in the 29th... I havent had a good feeling during birthdays for the whole of this year... Surprise surprise Lam Chih Bing's birthday is the same as mine and he was from Maris Stella High O.O like wow hahah...
But really, i thought i would be damn emo today and tomorrow; 1 year isnt enough to heal all the injuries i had from 2007. So ok i'm just a little on the emo side today, especially during the fitness outing this afternoon. Fitness? Tough times i had in the 1 and the half years in the CCA at SAJC, but it was thoroughly enjoyable and memorable... If i had any regrets it have to be one thing: the brandon of the 2005-2006 fitness era is dead.. 2007 and 2008 were the life-changing points in life; i just dont feel the same anymore.. I can never be as lame or as hard-willed as the guy i was during the 2 years... And as if fate has a say, my SAJC 'class of 2006' keychain broke off yesterday when i tugged my house key out of my jeans pocket..
And in reality i feel really shagged; partly 'cos from a china trip that i didnt enjoy much at all, the rest from the exertions from NS.. At last my NSF life has nothing left to throw at me, thankfully i have already cleared everything that was expected of me. But i cannot ignore the drain it had on me; how many times did i numb myself through work and doing all the shit during this NSF period? I initially thought it was impossible to spend so much energy doing something else such that at the end of each day u would be too exhausted to be emo, but in fact it can be done. I never had so much relief when i saw my workload ended on the day i passed my SOC; it's like 11 months worth of efforts paying off in front of you.. With the end of 2008, i hope i wont be numbing myself through work again in 2009
i wont be celebrating my birthday again this year; i havent seen the need to. In celebration i meant fancy dinners and birthday songs, i guess i would break down if i hear the most popular song in the world. And i really dread the 21st one, i dont feel like having a tradition grand celebration as expected in my family as for now... Wont they understand? my father was there when my bro turned 21, but he will not be when it is my turn next year
ALRITES i'm not feeling depressed or sad, just plain emo hahah...
happy birthday, i hope 2009 will be alot better for me...
As if! i cant imagine how would i be happy if i can foresee tons and tons of things waiting ahead of me...
1st on the list: find a private driving instructor and settle all the irritating stuffs i gotta do during my course of learning driving... SHEESH! who would have thought learning how to drive can be such a hassle....
2nd: paint 3 boxes of gundam!
3rd: finding a job to fund my allowances after ORD!
4th: decide on my course of uni! its my last chance!
5th: should i go back to MSHSJAB?
6th: enter uni and survive it for the next 4 years!
//Brandon struck at
9:32 PM\\
Friday, December 12, 2008
ok i will be leaving for China this sunday, actually monday morning if you consider it at 1am... Be back at boxing day, which is the 26th dec (wonder why so many people ask me wth is boxing day?)
The morning and afternoon packing today made this trip all the more unappealing; i just dont look forward to it at all... But then again in order to enjoy this trip i have to clear up and embark with a positive mindset, right?
OK like finally i'm promoted =_= very hard to earn this damn rank can? MUST pass soc knn... though yesterday was really damn lucky, i'm just relieved to clear it before the end of this year... Looks like i have nothing to fear once i'm back to camp next year :)
alrites den, cya
//Brandon struck at
4:57 PM\\
Monday, December 08, 2008
//Brandon struck at
8:23 PM\\
Saturday, December 06, 2008

Finally the day arrived...
I dont know whether should be happy or wad, or even scared of the mere distance i had to cover through running.. Yeah my first marathon, i didnt even participate in the 2 Army Half Marathon in my whole NS life can? So really i was kinda scared..
What if i cannot cross the finishing line, be me dead or alive?
What if i give up halfway?
What if i injured myself during the run and unable to get the shirt i wanted so much?
What if....?
Oh wells damn those thoughts, i guess i have just enough amount of willpower to cross the finishing line in 1 piece, do i?
during my wed guard duty, my head only have 1 song...
潘玮柏 - 转机
你每次伤心 我每次缺席
//Brandon struck at
3:13 PM\\