Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Very tiring, recess week came and was gone before I realised its recess week -_-
I foresee having 3 meals a day for 5 days of school days, not to mention the occasional forced return to school for some projects, rawrr... I shall try to meet mom and bro for dinner, my schedule is getting out of hand already...
And my buddy is returning to aussie for studies, yet school load doesnt permit me to meet him out.. Just too tiring and catching up the endless work, it had taken a toll on maintaining friendships in some sense. Proof? A single lighter is enough to create a rift between me and another buddy of mine, and it's yet to be resolved... On speech, yeah maybe I sounded like i dont care, 'cos the fault wasnt on my side in the first place, and definitely not the one starting it... But then again, is it pure bitter pride that's so hard to swallow, or is it I just dun have the energies to care anymore other than studies...
Sometimes life just gets too tiring, any amount of hours spent on resting is incomparable to receiving the understanding from your family and friends
有时候,再多的睡眠,再长的休息时间,也比不过亲人跟朋友的谅解 ....
Forgive me as I disappear beneath the school workload until May...
//Brandon struck at
11:37 PM\\
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
great day today, yeah real 'great'...
maybe too much emphasis was placed on studies, and as the result lost touch with many things outside my own personal world... family, friends, there are so many that i wanna do but it just boils down to time management and just purely the desire and strength to make the first move to keep in touch with them.. It's pretty obvious after today's disaster, when a lighter is just about enough to create a rift between me and one of my closer friends..
Somehow, uni has this unique ability to shorten your fuse, ie your tolerance levels on anything.. Why did he reassure me that he quited smoking and then proceed to lit a cigarette with the very lighter he asked me to buy, and why did I actually trust the sms even though i've rejected to purchase that very lighter the first time? And why did he lose his temper at me for being angry at him for smoking? Why did i purposely confront him in a very indirect way that ultimately caused the debacle today? Theres alot of questions, but these are questions that do not need an answer....
nevertheless, one thing i find stupid is the reason for smoking: stress... if so, then everyone is a smoker already and i would have been arrested for drug abuse years ago, yet at that point of time disappointment and anger clouded my mind to realise that everyone has their own ways of destressing... It's just that some ways are alot more unhealthier than others.... yet to buy a lighter for your close friend to smoke, it just doesnt seem right to me... its akin to borrowing money to a gambler, lending knife for someone to commit murder... and the fallout at the busstop, it could have been avoidable but credit to our stubbornness, it happened... the only amusing part? i hadnt lost my temper throughout the whole incident.....
yet i was guilty of a deliberate poke at my close friend, whom expectedly just walked away, leaving my another friend dumbstruck.... why did i commit that crime, i still couldnt understand at that moment, but when he left that bloody lighter on the seat, i realised where i went in this incident... because of the my inability to cope with the heavy workload in school i've neglected a close friend in distress... too many times i've lost the chance to show my concern, hence he took up the cigarette again.. i swore to be stronger, yet i've failed spectacularly today -_-
once again in the month of february, i felt powerless.....
hais, a stupid day of the CNY week.....
//Brandon struck at
10:54 PM\\
Friday, February 12, 2010
oh no i left my adapter in sch... better get it back soon if nt this recess week is troublesome...
Anyway during 2dae's mini recee wif jaws and jason, somehow I got the hint that i havent been a good coursemate and friend recently... sigh, maybe been going rather crazy over this hectic semester and somehow gone overboard in my actions, thus offending the people around me...
think this recess break would be a good time to recharge and reflect..
batt's dying =(
//Brandon struck at
10:34 PM\\
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
For some reasons, coding today is hellish....
OK it had rarely been fun, but today is quite possibly the worst day coding... it should be a NO CODING day in school which i didnt noe but yeah, hellish it were.. Rawrrr how come suddenly so much stuffs popping up? 4 stuffs already in my timetable for next wk, cny week! hahahah this is so good game man =)
I need more sleep v.v really feel bad to spend more than 12 hrs in school everyday but i cant help it, rushing tutorials and juggling with marketing stuffs, trying to understand what this sem is about, lol this sounds bad =( quite the contary, i'm actually not complaining now, rather more like venting and ranting hahah... mr blog is my good buddy for ranting =) i wish i can be more proficient in coding but i need company to code with, to gimme a helping hand along the way ( but what do i give back in return? uhh...... maybe my lame humour la hahaha )
//Brandon struck at
12:20 AM\\
Sunday, February 07, 2010
This cant go on any more...
The usual routine for the past 2 weeks: because of events in the weekends, I had to rush school work in anticipation of the lack of time to complete it.. And from Monday to Thursday I stare laptop screens more than human faces, by Friday all energies are sapped and i flopped around halfdead in sch, getting seriously frustrated at how screwed 1108 mod can be =(
Not quite anticipating this sem, much as i hope i can fill up this blog with happy posts but right now its pure exhaustion...
//Brandon struck at
11:07 PM\\
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
i wished i felt anger, but instead it was utter disappointment....
In myself, in everything =(
//Brandon struck at
12:58 AM\\